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Session 0 - Worldbuilding & Character Creation

I'm goinng to following the Getting Underway chapter from Sundered Isles because I like that it has faction creation.


I'm also going to use a combination of Starforged and Sundered Isles setting truths edited to fit a spacefaring setting.


A great war left horrible scars on the galaxy.

A generations-old war is only recently ended, and the reminders of that fruitless conflict are all around us. Planets wracked by destruction, ecosystems tainted, people displaced. The cost is immeasurable, but some still squabble over what remains.


Two centuries ago, a powerful empire dared to claim the galaxy as their own. Ruined places are all that remain to mark their hubris.

The tattered banners of the fallen empire lie amid ravaged fortresses, wrecked ships, and abandoned cities. In some places, nature reclaimed these sites. In others, people return to build anew upon the graves of these former invaders. Meanwhile, scavengers—like gulls picking at the bones of dead fish—scour the remnants in search of plunder.

We rely on the ancient traditions and knowledge of the [Starmarked] to navigate the far reaches of space.

The [Starmarked] ]have an uncanny sense for warp pathways, and bear the history of their travels as beautiful and intricate tattoos—etched in phosphorescent ink. Some of the places and passages pioneered by the [Starmarked] are now common knowledge, inscribed in charts and traveled widely. Others are coveted secrets, or lost to time and strife. The skills of the [Starmarked] make them highly valued as navigators, and some seek to exploit them to their own ends.


Our communities are bound under the terms of the [Covenant], a charter established after the war. The organization called the [Keepers] is sworn to uphold those laws.

Most settlements are still governed under the [Covenant] and yield to the authority of the [Keepers]. But a few view the [Covenant] as a dogmatic, impractical, and unjust relic of our past; in those places, the [Keepers] find no welcome.